
Exiting the Matrix

I recently came to the conclusion that I needed to leave behind my YouTube channel. I’m not sure if I ever looked at social media “as the matrix” but it became glaringly obvious that it was no longer my friend. For some who don’t rely on social media for work, it is not a big deal, but for content creators, this is our job. I look at the world through a new lens and I am no longer naive in the thinking that everyone is cheering us on. Most people who watch you, are not there to support you at all, and are more interested in how they can take you down.

I see my life with a new perspective now, realizing the enemy was in my corner from the very beginning. They were my first subscribers and the ones I perhaps trusted the most, or took comfort in. Americans don’t think like the rest of the world. We were raised with a completely different mindset and view our reality and success as sort of a popularity contest. Who has the most likes, subs, money, fame, and 6 figure job? We then move into our personal assets, the car, the “dream home” and before you know it, most of our gatherings are just a brag fest that make you want to vomit.

I was laid off in 2008 during the great housing crash. The banks got bailed out, but I didn’t. It was the moment I first exited the matrix and realized I was just a number. Loyalty did not exist and everything I was programmed to believe was ALL A LIE.

I went on to find my way outside of the matrix and write about those times in my recent memoir, The Penniless Sitar Player – A Quest For Love in the Underground of L.A.. That journey was mixed with rent-less days, car break-ins and lots of penniless artists, but it was probably one of the most impactful and inspiring times of my life.

It was a journey that helped me discover who I was outside of the matrix, breaking me free from a life of boxes. I soon discovered my voice on YouTube in a chaotic world of politics and injustice. It was successful – enough. But soon was infiltrated by a foreign enemy and became a circus act for global spies.

I did not know any of this. I was naive. I was not intending to become a channel for the globe – an information portal for the enemy, but as I reflect back, they were targeting me on a level I could not comprehend or even see. This enemy is not the high school bully we are all used to or the narcissistic boss, this enemy is bred to destroy you. This is spiritual warfare, taking you away from everything and everyone you know. Now that may seem like a jump from our cushy little YouTube reality, but it’s real. The enemy is real, and I can now see the unraveling of my life with a crisp eye. The amount of torture and abuse this channel led me to is not believable to the average person – nights where you are leaving your body, death magic, military weapons, and mind control programs. This perhaps is what most politicians and celebrities are experiencing – why so many turn corrupt, suddenly die, get hooked on drugs, or coincidentally go crazy.

There is world that no one talks about, and perhaps this is the world that you enter into after you become an influencer. People want to use you, take from you and then destroy you. The tragic Hollywood stories are all by design. It’s a sad world of control & torture with no privacy. Everything is for sale, even your DNA.

So as I hit the same crossroad yet again in 2023, I see with bigger eyes, the threat of social media, and how a group can hook up bots to your video content to siphon your entire energy field and slowly kill you.

We have no protections from A.I. which is completely by design, and the dehumanization and bio hacking threats are very real. So what does that mean for people in terms of how we have been conditioned to use social media platforms for promoting products, businesses and brands? It means the enemy is closer than you think and we must think in new ways of how to survive away from our phones and internet – right now. Millions of phones were infiltrated with the Pegasus Spyware in 2021, and no one told us. This spyware cannot be removed and has access to everything. How many applications require a face scan now? Zoom has updated their terms and agreements so that they have the right to listen in and watch your meeting anytime. Big brother was not just a reality show, it was a dark agenda. Everything we buy and purchase with our money could support this agenda. Instead of trying to get the latest phone or technology, realize that is just another piece of spyware going into your home. Look at the companies you support, check the back of your bottles. Do your research, despite what is being shown to you.

There is a reason Tik Tok was under investigation. You might not have gotten the full story, but your eyes are the key to your soul. Information is energy. How many corporations are in the business of gathering data. There is a science to this infiltration, and a multibillion-dollar industry is banking on stealing your life. I am now realizing why so many people hide their eyes or faces on social media. Americans have a lot to learn, as we have not been schooled on this enemy. Our batteries are depleted and we don’t know why.

I will continue my journey of sharing in this community for now and discuss more about my transition from mainstream social media platforms in terms of my work and spiritual business. This is a big jump, but I choose to not listen to the fear and move toward the light, knowing I am just a bit more safe.

I still offer personal coaching sessions through my website: soulpath.me and will continue with my soul mission to shine bright despite the challenges of the dark. As Johnny Cash once said, I will continue to walk the line.

Blessings to you all…
